in appreciation of your efforts

To drive people to act upon Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) by the UN
Green Positive is an initiative to make SDGs a reality. Our belief is to build capacity to transform goals into actions and to further improve the sustainable development outcomes. As part of the capacity building, we engage, educate and empower MSMEs(Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) and other organisations like educational institutions, etc. to become more proactive towards sustainability. This initiative is focussed on awareness creation, management approaches, planning and decision-making.
Green Positive certification is a public-private collaboration to a sustainable future. Engaging businesses and their customers to voluntarily participate in initiatives which play a crucial role in achieving the goals. And to leave a greener earth for generations to come.

Why Green Positive?
Proactive sustainable practices improves business competitiveness, builds brand image, showcases commitment to social responsibility and attracts like-minded consumers. Sustainable practices help to reduce avoidable expenditure, environmental impacts and value Triple Bottom Line Principles - People, Planet and Profit.
Emerging environmental trends lead to change in the business practices. Adopting sustainable practices in day-to-day operations help organisations to comply and fulfil sustainable goals. This is an effort to recognise the sustainable practices followed by organisations and reward them. And encourage them to continue their sustainability commitments.

How do we do it?
Green Positive strongly advocates multi-stakeholder partnerships as an important vehicle for mobilising and sharing knowledge, expertise, technologies and financial resources to support the achievement of the sustainable development goals. UN SDG-Goal 17 (Partnerships for the Goals) further seeks to encourage and promote effective public, public-private and civil society partnerships, building on the experience and resourcing strategies of partnerships.

What is Green Positive Certification?
Green Positive Certification is an initiative to recognise businesses that adopt and practice Sustainability in their daily operations. Research on effective partnership and capacity building of relevant stakeholders to develop and implement practices to achieve SDGs. This initiative accelerates effective sustainability partnerships. Based on a stakeholder survey, this certificate is awarded to encourage and motivate businesses and people to recognise their sustainability commitments and their social responsibility.
For more details on SDGs(Sustainable Development Goals), please visit